Gifted Services
At the elementary level, we provide gifted services in the content areas of English language arts and math. In addition, sixth-graders may also qualify for advanced science and social studies.
Meet Our Gifted Intervention Specialist
Our GIS partners with our classroom teachers to provide training and strategies for differentiating our gifted students' learning in their identified areas.
About Gifted Services
Lakota is committed to providing every single student with a unique and challenging educational experience.
While Gifted Services are not mandated in Ohio, Lakota believes in providing a quality and rigorous education that challenges all students. Through a large menu of opportunities, advanced students may be identified as gifted and participate in a wide continuum of programs or services designed to meet their unique learning needs, including:
- An advanced curriculum;
- Use of differentiated instructional strategies;
- Placement in specific gifted programs;
- Subject or whole grade acceleration or advancement;
- Honors and advanced placement classes for secondary students; or
- Early graduation.
The type of service and programming provided to gifted students depends on recent assessment data and what is determined to be most appropriate in meeting an individual student’s needs.
Gifted News & Opportunities
Lakota Gifted Services provides second opportunity testing to meet the cognitive score requirement.
The application for Early Entrance to Kindergarten and first grade for the 2025-26 school year opens 2/1/25.
Live webinar is Tuesday September 4th, 2024 from 7pm-8pm plus time for questions over Zoom.
Attend and Learn: - How to make the best choice between the SAT and ACT - When your child should ideally take the first(and last) test - create a personalized timeline - How much preparation is typically needed for best scores.
Contact Us
Lauren Webb
Director of Gifted Services
Email Lauren