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Lakota West Try Band

Lakota West Try Band

Attention 6th grade families!

Lakota West Bands will be bringing Try Band to your school the week of January 22! All 6th grade student will be introduced to the instruments in the band!

ALL students are able to participate in 7th grade band, no prior experience is required.


To make it easy for parents, Lakota West Bands will also be hosting a Try Band Open House on Thursday 1/25/24 at 6:00pm – 7:00pm for Cherokee and Endeavor students, and 7:30pm - 8:30pm for Adena and Freedom students at the West High School Band Room.

Please enter in the back of the building by the big band semi-trailer trucks!


It will be an Open House format to allow for questions to be answered, instrument rental options and private lesson opportunities shared, raffle prizes awarded, as well as instrument demonstrations and a chance for the students to try any or all the instruments! Jr High and High School band directors will also be on hand to answer questions.


Any questions, please contact or


Link to Flyer here

More details on Facebook  and our website.