School News
Freedom Elementary is excited to announce our annual cookie dough sale coming soon!
Our Cookie Dough Fundraiser is our biggest fundraiser of the year. The money earned from this fundraiser pays for our Pride Promise Events, our school-wide positive behavior rewards, items for classrooms, etc. There is no collection of money for this fundraiser as everything is done online. Cookie Dough will be delivered to Freedom in early November (exact date TBD). Unfortunately, we do not have the ability to ship cookie dough to individual addresses.
Our fundraiser will officially kick-off on Wednesday, September 18th. Be on the look out for more information about our sale. However, if you would like to get a "jump start" on selling you can register your child now and get started. The website is OPEN!
Our students favorite part of our cookie dough sale is earning COOPS! You can see a sneak peek video of this year's Mystical Coops here.
Look for more information about our annual Cookie Dough Fundraiser on Parent Square this coming Wednesday. We thank you in advance for your support. |
Marco's Pizza Dine to Donate
The class with the most sales wins a pizza party!
Live webinar is Tuesday September 4th, 2024 from 7pm-8pm plus time for questions over Zoom.
Attend and Learn: - How to make the best choice between the SAT and ACT - When your child should ideally take the first(and last) test - create a personalized timeline - How much preparation is typically needed for best scores.
DI Program Information and Q&A Meetings:
Monday, August 26th at 6pm in the cafeteria at Independence Elementary
Wednesday, Sept 4th at 7pm in the cafeteria at Union Elementary
In addition to the supplies provided by your school, students in grades K-8 are asked to provide a few additional items before the first day of school. Use TeacherLists, a free new resource, to easily find your list and even shop online for the best prices on all your back-to-school supplies, if desired. High school students will continue to receive supply lists from their teachers when school starts.
Beginning Monday, June 10, ParentSquare is replacing Lakota's current notification system for sending email, phone and text alerts to all Lakota families and staff. The new, more unified school-to-home communication tool was piloted by eight Lakota schools during the last month of the 2023-2024 school year.
For parents and staff, no action will be required to continue receiving communications, but log into your account via OneLogin to customize your communications experience and get the most out of ParentSquare.
Gifted Services is accepting applications for Early Entrance into Kindergarten and 1st grade for the 2024-25 school year until Friday, June 14. Any applications received after this date will not be considered before the start off the school year.
Parent Council opportunities for the month of October:
Signups will be out soon:
Picture Retakes, MASH Donations, Conference Night Dinner & Trunk or Treat
Join our Parent Council meetings!
Everyone is welcome and membership is free as long as you have a child attending Freedom!